Kenney Chesney’s Blue Chair Bay Rum

How One Rum Brand Reached Consumers Without Live Events

Challenges: The summer of 2020 presented serious challenges for brands that typically invested in live events, like concerts and stadium appearances for entertainers like Kenny Chesney, founder of Blue Chair Bay Rum. When our boozy ice cream voiced problems they were having with another flavored rum brand, our team quickly sprung into action. A collaboration was formed along with Blue Chair Bay Rum’s Fishbowl marketing team, and a heavy consumer communications plan to raise awareness for the product series was developed.

Solution: Blue Chair Bay Rum agreed to partner with Tipsy Scoop, and our team created a national omnichannel media campaign that would reach both their existing fan base for the country music entertainer, as well as new potential fans for both brands. A first of its kind product was developed, and messaging was created to encourage ‘partying’ at home.

Results: Over the course of two months of outreach and communications, our team garnered nearly four billion brand views for Blue Chair Bay Rum, 3,000 social shares, and 40 pieces of editorial content. Radio stations across the country not only talked about the rum brand, but also collaborated with activations in key markets. The result was brand impact with existing audiences as well as new fans, without ever having to leave the comfort of their living room.